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Småskalig hushållning

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I guess it's a sign that you're "recovered" when the holiday starts to feel boring. It's been over 6 years since I last had a proper vacation, so I had almost forgotten this feeling. On Monday, I'm thinking of going into the office. Not that there will be many people there, but still. I wonder if my little desk plants have survived? Maybe some kind soul has seen them through the curtain and given them a bit of water now and then. I hope so.

We haven't done anything special this week. One day we visited the sheep, and today Mats went into Stockholm, but otherwise, we've stayed home. We need to get a new greenhouse set up before winter to store hay in (instead of building a barn, which we realized would be both expensive and difficult). My dad is coming up in mid-August to help us, and by then the foundation needs to be ready.

Current status! The location is actually terrible, squeezed between a pile of brush full of wasp nests and a broken compost bin.

Also a terrible location, right in the middle of the road.

Look how majestic the bean vines are! The red ones are runner beans. I've never grown those before

Cauliflower and pointed cabbage. The cauliflower is both small and ugly, but this year it still counts as a victory considering all the slugs!

That's right. Another thing I did this week was to apply liquid beeswax to the bathroom vanity. Since it's made of wood, it has to be protect from moisture. I hope it works.

Today, we went to Vällingby to buy a horse trailer. Incredible. Two weeks ago, we didn't even own a car. But, relying on public transport doesn't work when you have animals, especially sheep. This one is not exactly a luxury item, but it will work for transporting the sheep back and forth between pastures.

Yesterday, there was a crafts day at the heritage center where people interested in textile crafts were welcome. I participated by spinning wool on a drop spindle and spinning wheel. Others demonstrated flax processing, nalbinding, lace making, and weaving. It turned out very well. We were there from 12 to 4 PM, and during that time, both children and adults came by to learn or try out the crafts. It really had a Skansen vibe!

Here it is!

Flax breaking

The children got to spin small wool bracelets on a drop spindle

Lace making

Me and Gitte


The car didn't break down even once on the way back to Småland! And it was very lucky because Biltema in Malmö was closed due to the IT failure, where we had planned to stop and buy new coolant if necessary.

Yesterday was packed with both wine tasting and hiking. And yes... it was in that order. Since Mats was driving, I got his wine too, hehe. We visited Skepparp's vineyard, one of the earliest wine producers in Sweden. We actually wanted to learn more about growing grapes, but the guided tour focused almost exclusively on the wine itself. We're not particularly interested in that, but the wine was still good!

Afterwards, we parked the car at a hiking trail. It stretched a little more than ten kilometers and parts of it were very twisty, which I like. It almost felt tropical in places. Along the trail is Skåne's largest waterfall, close to Hallemölla mill. Its the second mill we've visited this holiday.

The trail passed an old alum factory

On the way home we bought food to ate by the sea. We had an incredibly beautiful evening.

A beach picture in daylight. We stopped and dipped our feet (sure, it may look exotic but damn, how cold the water is down here!) in Falsterbo before we went home.

And so, Gränna!

Another kind of water. Vättern. Think I prefer lakes to seas, after all.

Here we bought polkagrisar, of course.

Tonight we are staying at Grenna Hotell

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