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Småskalig hushållning

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Today we visited Mandelmann's farm! When we bought the house, we started following their TV program. In fact, most of what we know today, both in terms of animal husbandry and cultivation, we have them to thank for. It was special to see the farm in real life. All the places - the greenhouses, the plantations, the pastures, etc. - were easily recognisable. However, the farm as a whole is smaller than you get the impression of in the program. We also had time to ask them some questions about how they go about keeping the pests away from the plants. Up early and out late to cut snails, was the answer. So, no miracle solution there.

Ah, and then the car broke down. It made it through half the holiday before the radiator started to fail, or if it's the water pump. Either way it's leaking coolant. We hope it makes it home to Hallstavik, otherwise we have to send it in for repair in Malmö and take the train home.

The lonely tree

Yesterday we visited Ale's stones. An ancient relic of the type of shipwreck. At this point, we have both been there countless times.


Now we are finally in Skåne. It is noticeable that we went south because all of a sudden it was high summer heat again! We checked in at 5pm at Skivarp's gästvigaregård, which is a cute little hotel/hostel from the mid-17th century. The village of Skivarp is approximately 20 minutes from Ystad. The AI wanted to translate Skivarp to Disc Warp, which I thought was quite funny... Anyway. We have had time to eat dinner and go for a walk. Tomorrow we were thinking of visiting some vineyards in the area. It will rain all day, so no time to go hiking.

Yesterday started with us saying hello to my grandmother and grandfather.

A picture of me and my horse Candela hanging on the fridge door... how old could I have been here, 14?

Mum and my sister Jonna came by too. Grandfather inspects the car.

In the afternoon we went with my (paternal??) grandmother and grandfather to Tabergstoppen outside Jönköping. Taberg is a very high mountain (approx. 343 meters above sea level) where iron ore was mined in the past.

The cafe is apparently famous for its prawn sandwiches…

... And for its view!

On the way home, we visited an old mill that grandfather knew from the time when he worked at the municipality. It is located in the middle of the dark forest. I love places like this.

Back in Nässjö. Here we have the town hall.

And the city park.

And here I am! Tired, lying in bed in our room. Bedtime soon.

Yesterday we left Häverödal to go south. The first stop was Nässjö, where we are now. We have left the house and the animals in good hands with Ingvar and Osva. Before we left, however, we had to slaughter a hen, Gnaggy, who had been sick for a couple of days. It was very sad. She was our first chicken hatched on the "farm" 2 years ago. Something had gotten stuck in her throat (I think a tumor, Mats thinks a stone) that couldn't be lifted, and which meant that she couldn't eat properly either. Never a fun thing to do, but at the same time good to know that we can handle such a situation on our own these days.

The day before departure, we moved the sheep to new pasture. As soon as we arrived, the pouring rain came.

When we arrived in Nässjö, we went out to dinner with my father at Vita Armandi. Nässjö's only restaurant that is not a pizzeria....

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