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The Royal library

I came home to the apartment a little while ago and just took a bath. It’s not very late in the evening, but it still feels like it could be midnight. I went to Stockholm early this morning to go through a bunch of archival material at the Royal Library (KB). I wasn’t really looking for anything new, just needed to double-check that all the strange claims I’m making in my dissertation chapter are actually supported by the sources... I made some progress but didn’t finish. I’ll be back there tomorrow.

After work, I met Tobias for a drink. Now, I’m not sure who’s reading this, but if there are any “new” readers, I should mention that Tobbe is my oldest and closest friend. We were colleagues for many years at the meat factory and were both new to Stockholm at the time. It’s nice that we’re still close even though we both live completely different lives today.

The reading room at the Royal Library (KB). Beautifully cinematic.

Finnish army dogs in training.

On my way down to the old newspaper archives.

We met in Hornstull at an Indian restaurant.

And after that to Loopen, down by the water.

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